We have a growing team of tutors, carefully chosen for their own creative talent and ability. Each tutor has extensive sewing experience and will guide you, patiently, through a wide range of projects. You will be encouraged to develop your own “style”, to choose your own colour and fabrics and to produce your own original work.

One Day Workshops

One day workshops are frequently held on Saturdays. These will be focused on a particular skill, design or project.
Please check through to see if there is anything that appeals to you and get in touch by email or telephone to let us know if you’d like to come.

Regular Workshops

Join one of our weekly on-going classes and extend and develop your sewing skills. Our teachers have extensive sewing experience and will guide you through a wide range of projects. In any class – you will be encouraged to use your own colour schemes to produce your own individual work. Please view our schedule below, for upcoming workshops and classes.

Sit and Sew

Come along to one of our sit and sew groups. There is no formal teaching but they are friendly, sociable and a great source of help.

Please read our workshop policy

Layering Up

Do you need help layering up a quilt? If so, we can help. Call the shop to book an appointment. £20.

If you’d like to enquire about one of our workshops or classes or if you just want more information about our shop, please contact us.